Monday 13 December 2010


In my animatic you can see that our trailer is going to be very scary.

Monday 6 December 2010

Shot Sizes

Establishing shot. establishing shots are used to help set the scene -


Extreme long shot -

Long shot -

Mid close up

Close up

Extreme close up

2 Shot

Canted shot

Worms Eye

Birds eye

Tuesday 23 November 2010

10 Thrillers from the last 20 years

1 - Skyline -
2 - Unstoppable -
3 - Inception -
4 - The next three days -
5 - Saw 3D -
6 - The Expendables -
7 - Salt -
8 - Machete -
9 - Red Hill -
10 - The Reef -

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Definition of the Genre Thriller

A thriller is a film in which the audience feels thrilled whilst viewing. Thriller's often contain violence and action. They also have tendencies to contain suspense and tension to create fear in the audience. Many thriller movies can use very complex story lines to keep the viewer both interested and confused. This is because when people become confused it can often create fear. this can be seen in the recent movie Inception which according to imdb is the third best thriller movie to date. However in some cases simple story lines can be used with pure violence and gore to scare the viewers. these are more typically movies such as Jaws which uses practically just blood guts and suspension to create a sense of fear which can be reflected in the viewers response.
Thrillers also use 'creepy' music to spook the audience such as the common Jaws theme tune.This can happen in many thrillers and some such as the birds which uses this musical effect in the opening credits to get the viewers ready for the film as seen in the clip bellow.

The music can also add to the suspense and tension and then confuse the audience by nothing happening. This is used in many movies and is a great way of scaring the audience without anything actually happening.

Tuesday 28 September 2010


In these opening credits from the movie se7en everything is kept edgy. Much like a common thriller it uses confusion to scare the audience into thinking small and simple things are scary such as the turning of a page in a book or the fact the actor has a plaster on their thumb. On top of this the sound adds to the confusion as it has spooky and eary sounds throughout even though nothing really scary is happening on screen. also the use of blurred images is used to effecitvly scare the audience once again using confusion. at the end of the clip it then shows a piece of paper saying God on it. This could then be to scare the audience through thriller.